Module 1: Cultivating Principles (Laying the Groundwork) Part 1
Soul Connection Part 1 Transcript
Welcome to the Whose Apple Dynamic. You're tuned into lesson one of Bullseye! Soul connection. In this series, you will learn why the soul is the primary target, why the enemy attacks it with extreme prejudice, and you will learn how to recognize, root out, and disarm any enemy strategy that's lurking in the shadows of your own life.
Ultimately, you will receive a sure-fire battle plan designed to place you back on your Path of Purpose and ensure that you will realize your God-given destiny. Let's get started with Cultivating Principles. This is important. It's important to lay the groundwork for what is to follow. There are certain foundational truths that underlie the principles you are about to learn.
So, let's move forward and talk about some of the foundational principles that underlie the importance of the battle strategy you're about to acquire. Groundwork. You can't fake the fruit. You shall know them by their fruits. What we see in our lives is a direct and profound result of the Law of Sowing and Reaping clearly stated.
Whatever you do in your life, whatever you believe in your life, whatever resides in your heart is what comes up as what we call our harvest. It's the end result of everything that we believe about what we've been through.
What were you thinking? Creative Thought.
God had to have a thought before He even spoke the world into existence and every thought of God is purposeful.
He's not willy-nilly throwing things out there just because He can, and we need to be happy that He's not. He's a God of ordered purpose, and He created us for a purpose in His Master Plan. When He breathed life into us, that very part of us that is in connection with Him—our spirits; He built that into us with the same creative ability.
It's everything that's going on inside us that's driving what we see in our lives now. It's everything that's going on inside us that determines whether we can actually enjoy and appreciate and live a fulfilled life. Regardless of where we are and what you're going to learn is really going to help you to root out some of the negativity that's driving what you see in your life right now.
Anything you want to change, been planning to change for like you can't change or just hadn't taken that first courageous step to change, has to do with the creativity thought inside you, everything you think. As a man thinks. So is that man. That's tied to this creative thought process and why are you here?
It's amazing to me that it takes a near life [Correction: death] experience for some people to realize that, “I must be here for a reason.” Going back to the creative thought of God because He had a purpose for us when He created us that we to have a part in his Master Plan. Everybody walking this earth has a purpose for being here and that purpose is tied to their absolute destiny.
And that purpose is sometimes hidden by the things we go through in life, and we're going to learn about some of those things as we move along. So, we have to remember that you can't fake the fruit. Whatever we're seeing in our lives, negative or positive, are a direct result of what we're thinking inside. Things we've done in the past, and maybe some of the choices we've made.
Um, what, what were we thinking? That's what we're looking at. That power of creative thought God breathed into us when He breathed his life in His spirit in us. And why are you here? Your creative purpose for being here now, some Christian Terminology we need to address is what does it mean to have the Mind of Christ?
Well, I never understood that. I grew up in the church I've been born again since I was 9-years-old. Spent a lot of time in the church during my early years and through high school and I didn't get it. I thought, “You have to be like Christ. Okay. Well, that may be true, but what does it mean to have the Mind of Christ?”
Well, the reality of that is that we all have a human mind. Just as He had. We understand that Jesus Christ was the son of God. We understand that Jesus Christ was all man and all God. But I think a lot of us think that He had some supernatural power that we don't have, in order to do the right thing.
And that's not necessarily it. So, if we have the mind of Christ and He had two minds, which mind of Christ ware e supposed to have? Well, the reality of that whole thing is all you have to do is look at the account of the Garden of Gethsemane. When Jesus was praying, before He knew He had to fulfill his purpose, and they say that He sweat drops of sweat as if it was drops of blood.
He was really agonizing in that garden. Let me ask you this: why would God, okay, who deliberately limited himself within the world in a human body. Now think about it. He's all God. He was-is God. He's been there since the beginning of time. He is not limited by time or any limitations of this dimension, and He was in all places at all times and He chose, out of love for us, to confine himself within the restrictions of a human body.
Now we just have to accept here. That that meant that He was also confined within the constrictions of the human mind. And the Bible clearly says that the human mind is a straight up enemy of God. It can't be anything else. It will never get it. Period. That didn't just start after Jesus died and came back.
That was the case when He was here in the garden. Again, the Garden of Gethsemane was an actual Him . . .Largely Him wrestling, his God's side was wrestling down his human side. He knew He was here for a reason and that the decisions He made in that g Garden of Gethsemane; I believe that his Father in heaven gave Him the choice in that moment.
Basically, He was telling God this. “If there's a way for this to pass from me, then I'm up for that plan. But nevertheless, not My will, but Yours.” He was wrestling with his human side, and so do we. So, to that extent, we do have the mind of Christ. But what I believe this term means is that He gave us the blueprint for how to walk through this human mind.
You heard that the mind is the battlefield. Okay, well that's because it's open season for the enemy. That ground is of human origin. It's an enemy of God and it's the battleground where all things meant to destroy your destiny can reside. Just because of that, we can always leverage the Mind of Christ from his God's side by
Being discerning, being in relationship with God and understanding how we need to hear from hear Him at every place on that battlefield. But we'll get into that more. Now. What does it mean to be in the flesh? Well. The simple thing about being in the flesh that's gotten a bad rap it’s like every time somebody is acting out, acting up and out to lunch we say they’re in the flesh.
Um, we, we, we tell each, we blurred all through churches. Our church lives, that the flesh is something negative to be subdued at all costs. Well, there's a flip side to that. Jesus Christ couldn't accomplish a thing He accomplished down here on his earth, this earth, outside of his human flesh. He had to accomplish that and his humanity.
It couldn't be done any other way. So, with respect to the flesh, the flesh is what we have to use. And that through which we have to accomplish our purpose. So, if [00:09:00] we, rather than to do it, put Band-Aids on it, not quite understand how that's connected to our spirituality. What we're saying here is that. If Jesus Christ had to accomplish an earth what He had to accomplish in his humanity.
So, do we. So, is there a middle ground here where we can understand, we can leverage multiple years of Sal behavioral science and understanding what we need to understand about our human mind? And we can leverage that and take control of that and accomplish our purpose. In spite of everything that we've gone through.
Understanding that our human flesh is what we've got to operate in this, in this domain, so we can't just throw out the baby with the bath water here. What we're going to do is we're going to throw out the bath water and nurture the baby. We already went around, talked about what you saw and when I want to say in, in this respect at [00:10:00] this point is this.
There is a way for you to walk in the middle of the most trying situations and circumstances and the whole time you're going through that you're planting seed for a better future. There's a way to do this thing where you're walking out of this mess into a better harvest instead of what many of us have done up to now, walking out of this mess into some more mess.
No. Who you are in Christ. Well, that's what we're here to help you understand. My thing was, don't tell me that when I'm in the trenches, I don't know what that means. Okay. You know, it's my rump getting my ruck be at home every night after I leave church. It's me dealing with these financial problems. It's me dealing with the abuse of my past.
I can't just put on a Jesus suit. And automatically become some soup, some [00:11:00] Superman type person or some superhero and forget all of that. So, when you, what I'm saying, that it means for purposes of this seminars, this, once you return to the person God created you to be, once you shared multiple decades of pain and trauma.
You will uncover who God created you to be. The power in this, and the reason we're here is because you must be that person. God created you to be in order to accomplish your God or day purpose and mission and vision and destiny. The twisted of us, the person that God, that life has twisted out the person we think we are right now is not going to get done like that.
If you get any part of it done like that, you're not going to have the [00:12:00] power you need in order to accomplish that. So, let's move forward. I'm looking forward to the rest of this seminar. Now let's talk about the master plan, the path of purpose calling versus mission and face without works. I'll go through this quickly.
Master plan. God's got a great big master of cosmic plan for what He wants to accomplish in the earth, and He's made the decision that has got to be done through us because it's got to be done through us. We all have a part in it. So, since the mind is the battle drill, let's use military terminology. We each have a part in this big cosmic master plan, and because God is the commander in chief, He knows the whole playing field, the whole battlefield.
He knows every troop out there in a meet or not. He knows which way this battle has to go, but we don't. We don't. That's why discernment [00:13:00] and agreeing with God is so important. So, we've got a part in his master plan. There are other troops in the master plan with us. We don't know who these other troops are, but we all these other unseen unknown troops are a part of the same mission that He's given us.
So, everybody's got a piece of it. This is why we're here today. If we as individual troops in this master plan dropped the ball, and then there are other troops on the battlefield whose lives may be in danger and who are going without resource, and because we failed to accomplish the mission. If we're twisted out of who God really created us to be, we have no vision.
We're off our paths of purpose. Then there are other people connected to us in the master plan that are going without, that are still praying for resources. People who are slipping out of here going to heck in a hand basket because we were not in our places with them. [00:14:00] In this master plan, we were not focused on the mission.
That's why we're here. The path of purpose. You came here with a reason and a purpose. God gave you God, put all of your resources on your individual path for purpose, everything. You need people, your divine connection for people who are divine connections for you. If there's a man you've been praying for, if He's.
To be in your life. That's along your path to purpose. All resources are along this path. The purpose, the problem is we're not there. That's why we're waiting on stuff because we get knocked around by life. We fall down, we jump up, brush off our clothes, keep on stepping, totally unaware that we're stepping in the opposite direction of our path of purpose.
So, calling versus mission, you're called to do something and it’s part of an overall mission. Remember I told you about the mission. Yeah. And there are other truths within that mission. Well, your [00:15:00] particular part in that mission is what I will call your calling, and only you can do that as part of that mission.
It's like a big, it's like a puzzle that we all have to fit together and we have to fit together in the right places. So, you're called to a purpose that's part of an overall mission. That's part of the master plan. Faith without works, won't spend a lot of time on this. What does that mean. Faith is taking God at his word and acting accordingly.
Faith is God is his word. Acting accordingly is the word. Faith without works is D O a dead on a rival example. You know in your heart that you're supposed to go back to school, but all kinds of reasons, excuses, things blocking you. You don't believe you can do it. And you sit there and you call things that be not as though they were.
For years, [00:16:00] nothing's getting done. You got the faith thing down Pat. You got the call. Things that be not as though they were down bad. What's missing is the action plan. So, faith without works, D O a you have got to put the action behind it that taking God at his word and acting accordingly. General terminology, defense mechanisms.
Simply put. Defense mechanisms are the crust that the scar tissue around your spiritual heart, so you have your mind will and emotion make up your soul. There's a scar tissue that encrust your soul when you go through a lot of pain in your life and trauma. What you do with internally is just a human thing to do to build up these defense mechanisms.
So, let's call it, we're on the battlefield, so let's call this. Arm, not like they weren't old. They didn't just say, you got them [00:17:00] a Bulletproof jacket and you got all kinds of things to kind of keep you from going through the experience. The impact of a lot of, uh, IED is you, you, you're just totally crusted over with this.
What happens is everything that you go through is a, is a, is a downright straight to the bone, cut into your soul. And just like if somebody cut your legs straight to the white meat, they say, and you just put a butterfly bandage over that at some point. If you don't get an infection and have a look here from the outside, but you still got that pusy, festering sore underneath.
That's what happens in our heart. We mailed up these defense mechanisms. They're not, it's everything that twists you out of who you are. I became tough girl. I've got a soft heart. I felt like that being open and loving people and wear my heart on my [00:18:00] sleeve was what got me into trouble, so I decided I wasn't going to be that person anymore.
That's an example of a defense mechanism. And generally, what it does is it twists you out of who God created you to be and to the complete opposite of that, because the enemy knows that as long as you are the complete opposite of that. For long enough, you'll forget who God really created you to be and you might kind of feel more comfortable over there.
So that's what a defense mechanism is. Denial. Denial is the blood that courses through the veins of a defense mechanism. Denial can be good. You go through trauma and your mind goes into this denial mode, and then it eventually moves into acceptance and then you can move into forgiveness and healing.
Well denial if we get stuck in that is not a good thing. You know, everybody's going to deal with some denial, but what denial does it protects us from the truth that will set us free. [00:19:00] It protects us from the relationships. Now I'm saying protect with quotation marks here in protecting us from ever getting hurt again.
Okay. We are in denial of our pain. We're not moving through it. We're getting over it and moving on. But you have to backtrack and go back through that healing. So, denial is kind of like the blood that courses through the veins or the defense mechanism. Frame of reference gets twisted out of whack. It's how you see the world.
It's like a set of glasses that you wear. You put the glasses on, and if they are dark enough, you can't see. Even in a day time, everybody else knows you got the glasses on. They're trying to tell you, you're not seeing straight, but Hey, you see what you see and you're not hearing anything else. So, when you put defensive mechanism in with the denial dynamic and [00:20:00] then your frame or restaurants is twisted out of whack, you're not dealing with any truth at all.
And it's in the truth that we're going to find our freedom out of this mess. Personal responsibility. I call it personal respond ability. It means taking ownership. Of your part in any matter, taking ownership of your part in any matter. If you ever run into anybody, I don't care what type of relationship that it is and all they're talking about is what somebody else did to them.
What somebody else's doing, what somebody else need to do. Warning, you should see a big red flashing neon sign before your eyes because anything you try to tell them about themselves and the truth of the matter being the, no, no, [00:21:00] no. There are some things you need to deal with thing. Hearing it now, you frustrated because you're trying.
You see Him too all day long were their concern and they're not hearing it. Well, that's what personal responsibility is. It's taken ownership for the decisions you've made. In your life as we move forward in this series, and it's a multi-part series, we're going to talk about the importance in the method by which you separate your part in anything that happened to you from somebody else's part and what they did to you.
Understand that. I'm not saying that you're supposed to take responsibility for every negative bad thing anybody ever did to you. I'm talking about taking ownership of your part in it, because that gives you the position from which you will move forward and leverage whatever that was you went through towards your [00:22:00] mission, your purpose, and your destiny.
Mind fields. Now, let's go back to the battlefield here. We know that, uh, I E D's explode there. You'd be playing it in a mind field. And what they do is if you step on it, you all right is when you pull that foot up that is exploding in your face. The troops don't see these things. They're trying to sweep forum, avoid them, and no matter how much they do in real life, many times we lose troops to these, uh, expose them devices that are hidden in the minefield.
A mind-field is full of irrational emotional discharges. I. E DS and these irrational emotional discharges are just like the that are buried in the mind fields on the battlefield.
They're deep down in their head and to the point where we don't see them, but the minute somebody touches off one of those scars, we put a butterfly bandage on.
We're off and running. What we're actually doing is that it's an irrational emotional discharge because you are, we are responding from an emotional standpoint based on something we went through in the past and haven't dealt with. So basically, in a real world, if you are fall prey to an irrational emotional discharge, what you doing in that situation is that whoever touched that off.
They become the wrong door to you. You are actually reacting to something that happened to you way back in 1962 52 72 the blowup has nothing in the here and now has nothing to do with the here and now situation, but you're in full blown IED mode because [00:24:00] you're reacting from. Way back there, and we're going to talk about that in more detail, but that's what a minefield is.
We've already talked about irrational emotional discharges, and you're going to hear the word mode Zionist as we move along. Moses in the book, Whose Apple? Is it anyway? Empowering purpose to achieve your God on day and destiny. I spend considerable time talking about the Moses situation, dissect and the Moses situation from a behavioral standpoint and talking about some of the backstory that many of us will not say in the in the Bible.
And when we get to any situation where He or the children of Israel are just completely blinded to the destiny that's before them. I call it Moses. It's a form of denial and we will move into that further later as well. That's the end of today's lesson. Next time in lesson two, we discuss attitude and its importance to our destinies.
And we also talk about predestination versus free will. So be sure to join us for lesson two of Soul Connection. So, connection as a thank you for joining us today. Please visit and download your free copy of the book Too True to Tell: Why What we Don't Say is Leading Us Down the Path of Stolen Vision. It’s is a free gift, so be sure to get yours. And Triple Threat.
Vanquish the enemy. The triple threat includes Too True to Tell. Our radio series called Sister to Sister, that can also be access through and I've mentioned the book, Whose Apple Is it Anyway. You can get it at Whose Apple or order it at